Have You Ever Been Pulled Over? Here Are Top Reasons Why Police Do This To Us
You're driving down the road, listening to the radio and then all of a sudden, "Uh Oh", you see the disco lights in your rear view mirror. You're being pulled over. At least once in our life we've experienced the adrenaline rush upon seeing a peace officer pull up behind you and turn on the blue and reds. There are many reason's why law enforcement pull people over onto the side of the road.
Today on the Top 5 at 7:45, I'll highlight some of the big reasons why so many of us in America are getting pulled over, according to Edmonds.com.
- Slow Down - Speeding seems to be the number one reason why people get pulled over. Observe the speed limits and slow down. It's not worth harming yourself, someone else or getting a ticket.
- Crazy Drivers - People may not be speeding, but they drive like a madman. Obey the traffic lights, stay in your lane and keep an eye on what you're doing.
- Cell Phones - We hear it all the time about distracted driving. Which, by the way, isn't always emphasized by messing with the radio buttons or the hamburger in your hand. You know they go after us because of cell phones and texting. Please keep your eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel, if need be.
- Tie It Down & Check Those Lights - Believe it or not, equipment violations on your vehicle could get you a fast trip to the disco, or pulled over for that matter. Make sure everything is tied or strapped down tight. Loose equipment coming off the vehicle and onto the road can kill or injure someone. Always double check before take off. Also, check all of your lights to ensure they are in working order.
- Get Off My Back Side - Following too close to a vehicle can get you a ticket and it's very unsafe. Give yourself the proper distance between you and the other vehicle depending upon the speed you are going. When changing lanes, remember SMOG - Signal, Mirror, Over the Shoulder and Go.
The Top 5 at 7:45 airs weekdays with me, Gary Freeman and sponsored by First Education Federal Credit Union. Drive Safe!