New Data: Abortions On The Decline
Since the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1972, allowing abortions in this country, we are now seeing a decline in women having them. New data is out to prove it. In a recent release from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, new data shows that in 2011, 730,322 abortions were conducted in America. This is seen as the smallest amount of abortions performed in this country in the last 40 years.
Many are accrediting pro-life and anti-abortion groups bringing awareness to people across America. However, the decline doesn't seem to be solely based upon women not able to access abortion clinics, nor an increase in birth control.
But today, it seems that society has embraced single mother's more so than those of yesteryear. There are many programs that are single-mother friendly that have made it more comfortable for single mothers to function and get ahead in life.
It's also believed that the abrogation of stigmatizing single mother's played a factor. But whatever the reason, data is showing that less women are having abortions, and more mother's are willing to carry their child to term to raise them.
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