Laramie County voters will decide today whether to approve a long list of items proposed for funding through the sixth-penny sales tax.

The special election ballot includes 9 different propositions that voters will either approve or reject.

A few of the propositions, such as the Christensen Overpass Project, consist of only one proposed project. but most of the propositions are composite proposals consisting of several projects that may be in different communities and are not directly related.

The total cost of all of the ballot projects comes out to about $118 million. If at least one of the propositions is passed local business will begin collecting the sixth penny on local sales taxes in October.

Supporters of the ballot proposals argue they are needed projects that will improve the quality of life in Cheyenne and boost the local economy.They also say improving the local quality of life will help lure younger people and their families to the city.

Opponents say that with the economy struggling, now is not the time to levy new taxes in Laramie County. There has also been widespread criticism about the grouping together of unrelated projects in some of the propositions, with some opponents saying "wants" are being grouped with "needs" in an effort to get luxury projects that could not win approval as "stand alone" items passed by voters.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. at 12 voting centers across Laramie County. Local voters may vote at any of those 12 locations, rather than voting at an assigned polling place.

People who are not registered to vote can do so at the polls with a government-issued photo ID such as a driver's license. County Clerk Debra Lee says any registered voter who is in line at 7 p.m. will be allowed to vote.

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