3 Killed, Including Gunman, After Shooting at Oregon Mall
A shooting at the Clackamas Town Center, which is located near Portland, Ore., has left at least three people dead and one seriously wounded, according to the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. Officials say that one of the deceased was the gunman.
Dozens of shots were fired in the mall's food court near the Macy's store around 3 p.m. on Tuesday, according to OregonLive.com. Clackamas, Ore. is about 11 miles southeast of downtown Portland, Ore.
Witnesses say that the gunman, who entered the mall via Macy's, was wearing a Mike Myers mask as seen in the movie 'Halloween. Police have tentatively identified the gunman, but they are not publicly releasing his name at the time. The shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot, according to Lt. James Rhodes of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office.
Officials say that a female teenager, who was also shot during the incident, remains in serious condition at a Portland hospital.
The mall's Santa, who sits near the Macy's, told KGW TV that he heard two shots, then 15 or 16 more shots. "I hit the floor," he said. Santa was not injured.
Authorities say the mall will remain closed Wednesday as the investigation continues.
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