Alvin Willis Running for Laramie County Coroner
Republican Alvin Willis is running for Laramie County Coroner because he believes he has the qualifications to do the job. His management experience has been in safety working for companies, in the U.S. and overseas. He says a lot of the work involved investigations, which is a key part of the Coroner's job.
The Coroner is an investigator. He takes the information the Medical Examiner puts together and than the information he gathers from the scene and that is how he determination is made as to the cause of death of an individual.
Willis is a registered Certified Safety Professional. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Safety Education from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and his Master's Degree in Industrial Safety, from Central Missouri University. He says one goal if elected is to review the expenditures of the Coroner's Office, looking for the value of each.
It has to be done, you have to justify all of the expenses you have. If you can't justify the expenses you have as a need, than it becomes a want, and I don't believe in doing wants at the taxpayers expense.
Willis says he would also like to see the Coroner's office continue to become a more professional operation.
Willis moved to Wyoming in 1978 and to Laramie County in 1990.