Wyoming Man Challenges Florida Man For Best WACKO Headline
We all know it's going to get weird when the story starts with "FLORIDA MAN!"
This time, however, I think a Wyoming Man might just be trying to give Florida Man a run for his money.
Headline from Cowboy State Daily reads Wyo Supreme Court: Man Who Confessed While Running Naked In Snow Does Not Win Appeal.
Full disclosure, I grew up in Florida. Lived there most of my life. I've been in Wyoming for 11 years now. For me, it's hard to pick who I want to win this headline battle.

I don't see this story as bizarre as some of the Florida Man headlines we have all witnessed over the years, but you have to admit, it's right up there.
According to CSD: The court unanimously upheld the conviction of Nicholas Jendersen, rejecting his arguments that he didn’t know what he was doing when he waived his rights to remain silent while he was running naked through the snow confessing as he ran from police.
So is the police officer supposed to be yelling "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT" and so on as he chases a naked man through the Wyoming snow? I don't think so.
GAME ON WYOMING MAN! - Admittedly we have a long way to go to catch up to Florida Man. Also, Florida has a far bigger pool of talent to draw from than Wyoming. Wyoming's population is only just above 500,000. Florida's population is just over 21 Million.
Still, having lived in this state I can tell you, Wyoming has some talent to draw from. We have no problem peaking the "Strange O' Meter" now and then.
SO BRING IT ON WYOMING! We can show the nation that we have enough weird to get noticed just like Florida.
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