Police Investigating Cheyenne Auto Burglaries
Cheyenne Police say they are investigating a series of car burglaries in south Cheyenne. according to a post on the CPD Facebook page.
The post says the burglaries have been centered in the areas shown on the map below, adding '''If your vehicle was unlocked in the last two weeks, most likely your items were taken."
Police also say they are looking for a dresser that may have been used in the crimes and may have been dumped in an alley in the areas shown on the map. The post does not say how the dresser may have been used in the car burglaries.
Anyone with any information on the case or who may have been a victim is being asked to call Detective Fernandez at (307) 633-6638. Auto burglaries have been among the most common crimes in Cheyenne for years, and police often advise people to lock their cars and remove valuables such as guns, cash, computers, and similar items. Car burglaries tend to increase in Cheyenne during the summer months.
Police say that's probably because many car burglaries are crimes of opportunity, and more people are out in the evening and night-time hours during warm weather.
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