Governor’s Suicide Prevention Symposium To Be Streamed Live
The Governor's Third Annual Symposium on Suicide Prevention is taking place in Cheyenne on Wednesday and though the event is "sold out", officials say they will be streaming the event live for those who would like to participate. Except one portion of the event, the symposium will be streamed live on YouTube and on Governor Mead's website at www.governor.wyo.gov, according to a release from the Governor's Office.
Suicide prevention has been one of Governor Mead's top priorities, and this will be highlighted at the symposium. "The topic of suicide should be discussed openly," Governor Mead said. "We have to do more to prevent suicide through awareness and education and to recognize the warning signs of suicide."
The symposium will include welcoming remarks from Governor Mead, and screening of the award winning documentary, "The S Word". The story behind the film will be told by its director and writer, Lisa Klein, who is also the keynote speaker. "There is no more highly charged personal issue for me," Klein said. "That's the reason I was driven to document it and open a much-needed conversation. It is time for us to boldly talk about suicide because no family should have to experience this."
According to his office, Governor Mead held his first symposium on suicide prevention in 2016 and announced the next year that the symposium would be an annual event. The Governor's third annual symposium will include a wide range of including suicide prevention among the Native American population, Veterans, and teenagers and young adults.
Other presentations during the conference include Lance Neiberger, Dr Kailey Cannizzaro, Dr. Carolyn Pepper, Dr. Dick Berry, Elk Sage, Shelly Montgomery and Rhianna Brand. The Cheyenne Chamber Singers will also be performing "Please Stay", described as a powerful suicide prevention song.
Governor's Symposium on Suicide Prevention 2018
- Wednesday, May 9th, 2018 from 8:30am - 5:1 5pm at Little America Hotel and Resort in Cheyenne
- Find the full agenda HERE.
- Here is a full list of speaker biographies
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