Fort Collins Police Announce Sexual Assault, ‘Peeping’ Arrest
Police in Fort Collins have announced an arrest of a man for felony sexual assault and other charges, according to a post on the Fort Collins Police Facebook page
Police say Brendan Morse was arrested on Jan. 5th on the following charges:
''18-3-402 Sexual Assault (a class 3 felony)
18-6-801 Domestic Violence
18-3.405.6 Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification (a class 1 misdemeanor)''
The release says Morse was arrested after a woman reported a sexual assault on Jan. 4. The release goes on to say the following:
''Based on the evidence collected during this investigation, detectives believe there are additional victims, specifically related to the crime of 18-3-405.6, Invasion of privacy for sexual gratification.
This crime is defined in the Colorado Revised Statutes as:
“A person who knowingly observes or takes a photograph of another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent, in a situation where the person observed or photographed has a reasonable expectation of privacy, for the purpose of the observer’s own sexual gratification.”
This crime is often referred to as “Window Peeping”, and Detectives believe that additional incidents may have occurred over the course of the past year in Fort Collins, particularly in the area west of Shields Street between Mulberry Street and Drake Road. Detectives are attempting to identify additional victims and ask that anyone who believes they may have been a victim or anyone who has any information related to the investigation to contact police at (970) 416-2825 or at tipsline@fcgov.com or Crime Stoppers of Larimer County at 970-221-6868 or www.stopcriminals.org
“Sexually based offenses happen in several ways and are not always physical.” Said a Fort Collins Police Victim Service advocate. “Invasions of privacy in places like our homes can leave a lasting and profound impact on victims.” While no one has the right to violate your privacy in a criminal manner, Fort Collins Police encourages people to take preventative measures to protect themselves. Remember to keep doors and windows locked whether you are home or not. Also, keep blinds and curtains closed especially when showering or changing. Lastly, please call the Police to report any suspicious behavior such as “peeping” or trespassing.''
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