Classes Resume In Cheyenne-Area Schools On Tuesday
The first day of school for Laramie County School District#1 in the Cheyenne area for the 2018-2018 school year is Tuesday, August 28.
You can view a district calendar for the school year here.
Motorists are being reminded about the rules governing school buses, crosswalks and reduced speed zones. All Wyoming school buses are now equipped with stop arm cameras that record any violations that happen near the buses. District officials say literally hundreds of violations have been recorded by the cameras in recent years.
One of the most common, and dangerous, violations involves cars passing buses that have their red lights flashing. Motorists caught doing so could face fines of several hundred dollars and may have to make a court appearance as opposed to just paying the fine.
Cheyenne police have traditionally made a special effort at enforcing school zone traffic regulations during the first few days of school and can be expected to do so again this year.