Cheyenne National Weather Service Announces Changes
The Cheyenne Office of the National Weather Service has announced some changes in service as well as some initiatives for 2020.
The changes include the use of a ''snow squall" warning across the country. The "snow squall" alert has been tested in the Cheyenne area, but will now be used nationally.
The agency sent out the following statement on Tuesday morning:
''NWS Service Updates:
- New Impact-Based Flash Flood Warning Text Template went into effect 1/8/2020
- The format will become impact based with 3 levels:
- Level 1: Baseline Flash Flood Warning
- Level 2: Considerable Flash Flooding Warning
- Level 3: Flash Flood Emergency Warning
- Additional sections of Hazard, Source, & Impact will now appear in bulleted format in the body of the warning text. These sections were not in the previous FFW template version and overall word count was reduced in newest version.
- IMPORTANT: The new Baseline Flash Flood Warning will NO LONGER initiate a WEA alert to cell phones. Only Considerable and Emergency designations will trigger a WEA alert.
- However, the Baseline Flash Flood Warning will still be distributed via NOAA Weather Radio, EAS, on radio and TV broadcasts, weather.gov, through dissemination systems to EMs/Partners, and configurable mobile apps.
- Please see more on the new Flash Flood Warning Template in the attachments below.
- The format will become impact based with 3 levels:
- Snow Squall Warnings are now WEA enabled.
- Snow Squall Warnings are a relatively new product to NWS but NWS Cheyenne was part of the test group the past two years and now snow Squall Warnings are an approved NWS product nationwide.
- For more information on Snow Squalls, please see attached graphics and an example of an automated tweet sent when a Snow Squall is issued. This twitter graphic is the exact same template used for Severe Thunderstorm Warnings and Tornado Warnings.
- Snow Squall Warnings are a relatively new product to NWS but NWS Cheyenne was part of the test group the past two years and now snow Squall Warnings are an approved NWS product nationwide.
National weather Service
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