Cheyenne Chamber Leader: World Events Show Need For Missiles
Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Dale Steenbergen says current world events show the need for nuclear missiles such as the ones housed at F.E. Warren Air Force Base.
Steenbergen says potential confrontations with nations such as north Korea and Russia are "helpful to our case that we believe ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) and strategic deterrent are extremely important."
Steenbergen says that is good news for Cheyenne in view of the importance of F.E. Warren to the Laramie County economy. While the economy in most of Wyoming has been hit hard by low energy prices, Laramie County's economy has been somewhat less affected, due in part to a more diverse economic base.
That includes state government, manufacturing, and high-tech ventures such as the Microsoft Data Center.
But numerous economic studies over the years have shown Warren AFB is a major contributor to the Cheyenne area economy as well.
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