Cheyenne police say they haven't seen an increase in drinking-related calls or citations in the downtown area since the city's new open container law took effect on May 27.

"So far, it has been business as usual," Public Information Officer Alex Farkas told KGAB Radio.

The ordinance permits the possession of open malt beverage and wine containers within the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) district boundaries every year between the Thursday before Memorial Day and Labor Day.

During this time frame, open containers are allowed every day between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. in public spaces.

Some KGAB listeners and Facebook followers, especially those with young children, have expressed concerns about public drinking during the Cheyenne Frontier Days pancake breakfasts and parades.

"Aren't these supposed to be family-friendly events," questioned one parent. "How is this a good thing for the kids?"

But Farkas says calls for service in the downtown area have been much lower this year than they were in 2019.

"While call volume has been steady, the CPD has increased officer presence in the DDA district during Fridays on the Plaza each week to maintain public safety," she said.

LOOK: VIntage Postcards Showing-Off Cheyenne Frontier Days Through the Years

Postcards have been a thing since the mid-1800s. Sending pictures and short messages on card-stock paper to friends and families really took off in the first half of the 20th century. While not quite as popular today, they still exist, and collecting postcards even has a special name, Deltiology.

Postcards were made for a lot of things, like vacation destinations and events. Cheyenne Frontier Days was the source of many. On the auction site eBay we found a lot of vintage postcards with fascinating pictures of Cheyenne and the Daddy of 'Em All.

LOOK: Pictures of Downtown Cheyenne Then and Now

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