In 2019, a biopic of a rodeo star overcoming tragedy aired on Netflix - raking in 350 million views worldwide. The film, titled "Walk, Ride, Rodeo.," shared the inspiring story of Amberly Snyder in her journey to overcome a tragic accident that left her paralyzed so that she could one day ride in rodeo again.

The woman behind the true story of "Walk, Ride, Rodeo." arrives in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on November 10. Amberly Snyder will appear at Laramie County Community College to share the details of the car accident that paralyzed her and how she overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to earn a Top 5 Spot in the Rocky Mountain Pro Rodeo Association in 2016.

Tragedy to Triumph: Riding Clinic and Presentation by Amberly Snyder

Riding Clinic - November 10 from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. @ the LCCC Arena

On Thursday morning, Laramie County Community College will host a Barrel Racing Clinic with Amberly to help equine students learn the ins and outs of the barrel racing craft. (Clinic slots are full. However, the stands are open to the public to watch the clinic.)

Evening Presentation by Amberly - November 10 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. @ ANB Bank Leadership Center (LCCC Clay Pathfinder Building, 1400 E. College Drive)

Thursday evening, Amberly will share her story with attendees at LCCC's Clay Pathfinder building. Guests are encouraged to attend the following 30-minute Q&A. Amberly will also sign books during the Q&A. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information on the clinic or presentation, click here.

About Amberly Snyder

Amberly Snyder began her rodeo career as a child. By the age of nine, she had won the National Little Britches Rodeo Association All-Around Cowgirl World title. Her rodeo career continued until 2010, when an accident in Sinclair, Wyoming, changed her life forever. During her trip to the Denver Stock Show and Rodeo, Amberly overcorrected her vehicle on the highway and was ejected from the truck. Her back was broken during the accident, resulting in Amberly losing feeling in her legs.

And yet, a new path for Amberly came out of the tragic events. She didn't stop pursuing rodeo - after physical therapy and with intense dedication, she returned to riding only four months after her accident. And she continued to persevere, eventually returning to the rodeo in 2015.

Amberly earned a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture Education in 2015 and a Master's Degree in School Counseling in 2018. She has since gone on to use her past tragedy to inspire others to overcome adversity in their lives through Wheel Chair Wednesday's segments on Social Media and by traveling across the country to share her story.

Find out more about Amberly by clicking here.

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