Who Has The Cleanest Air In Wyoming?
Air quality is a big deal in Wyoming, as well as in the nation. It seems to becoming a precious commodity more and more these days. But who has the cleanest air?
According to The American Lung Association's 2016 "State of the Air" report, it looks like all the frustrating wind we put up with here in Laramie County is paying off - big time!
Not only does Cheyenne have the cleanest air in Wyoming, but we rant #10 in the country, in terms of particle pollution. However, our neighbors to the south, Ft. Collins and Denver, receive a big fat F on their report card for pollution.
Farmington, New Mexico beat us out and Casper, Wyoming was right behind us.
So it's really good to know that we can "breathe easy" knowing that we have some of the cleanest area in the country. So don't be surprised if you seeing someone trying to sell "Cheyenne clean air" in a Mason Jar on eBay.
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