Watch a Truck Driver Get His Rig Rolled by Fierce Wyoming Wind
If you're a truck driver, you have to feel for this guy. He learned the hard way what the fierce Wyoming wind can do to your wheels.
Here's how this poor guy described what happened on YouTube:
I was driving through Wyoming on a calm sunny morning, heading to deliver some produce from California. It was my first time ever driving through this area and I had no idea of what the power of wind could do physically. I've heard stories and was told through my company but that's nothing in comparison to actually witnessing it first hand.
Based on what he said, it looks like he was rolled between Laramie and Cheyenne on I-80.
That stretch of I-80 is infamous for what the wind can do to high profile vehicles. It's telling that others drivers in his company had warned him about this part of Wyoming.
The good news is it appears he escaped with no major injuries. We are big fans of happy endings.
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