Vehicle Strikes Stroller with Children in Downtown Casper, Driver Initially Flees Scene
Tragedy was narrowly avoided on Thursday night, when a vehicle traveling through the intersection of 2nd and David Street struck a stroller carrying children.

Officer Tony Ho of the Casper Police Department confirmed that a red SUV, traveling through the intersection, struck a stroller carrying one or two young children.
According to Officer Ho, after striking the stroller, the driver of the vehicle, a young female, got out of the car, apologized to the mother, and then drove off.
Multiple officers with the CPD responded to the scene, as did a firetruck and an ambulance.
After conducting the initial investigation, officers learned that the driver of the vehicle had fled the scene.
Rebekah Ladd, the Public Information Officer with the Casper PD stated that though the stroller that was hit was carrying children, no injuries have occurred.
Ladd stated that officers have made contact with the driver of the vehicle, and were currently investigating.
Paramedics on the scene spoke with the children, offering them stuffed animals to make them feel better.
Citations were given, but no arrests have been made.
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