Toys For Tots Benefit Comes to Cheyenne This Week
October is just starting, but Christmas will sneak up on all of us just as it does every year. And this weekend, Toys For Tots will be holding a benefit in Cheyenne on Friday, October 2nd.
It's no secret that 2020's pandemic hasn't been easy on anyone so this year's Toys For Tots campaign may just mean that much more for this particular season of giving. That's along the same lines of what Laramie County Toys For Tots Coordinator Wendi Henderson said to Wyoming News Now:
I think the pandemic has kind of made it rough on a lot of families. We’re not here for anything but to make sure that every child has a good Christmas...I think it’s very important that we take care of our own community and everything that we collect here stays here.
This Friday's Toys For Tots Fundraising Dinner will happen at the VFW Post 1881 located at 2816 East 7th Street in Cheyenne.
Unwrapped toys as well as monetary donations will be made to those in need throughout Laramie County. The fundraiser will consist of a live auction and raffles and those who donate will get a free Sloppy Joe and Nacho dinner.
Wyoming Fleet Reserve Association Branch and Unit 59 will sponsor the event. You can find out more information about the event for this Friday by calling 678-215-7584, or by clicking the link here.

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