It's going to be a cold Christmas here in the Capitol City, but it won't even be close to the coldest Christmas in Cheyenne history.

The record for Cheyenne's coldest Christmas was set back in 1876 when the mercury fell to a bone chilling -14.

That mark was nearly broken in 1987, when the temperature plummeted to -11.

1962 was the third coldest Christmas on record, with a low of -9.

On December 25, 1916, Cheyenne fell to 8 degrees below zero.

2012 ranks fifth, with a low temperature of -4.

Luckily, this year will feel balmy in comparison, with a projected low of 13 (above). The average low on Christmas day in Cheyenne is 17, with an average high of 38. The record high was 60, set back in 2005.


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