The City of Cheyenne’s Snow and Ice Control Plan
Here is the City of Cheyenne's snow plan:
Also a reminder for Cheyenne Residents:
City Ordinance requires property owners and/or occupants to remove snow, ice or slush from sidewalks within 24 hours following a snowfall. City ordinance also prohibits the piling of snow, ice or slush from sidewalks, parking areas, and driveways into public streets in a way that creates a safety hazard for vehicles or pedestrians.
For more information:
- City of Cheyenne - 637-6263
- Laramie County -.633-4302
- Wyoming DOT - 777-4375
- Cheyenne Police Assistance - 637-6500
- Laramie County Sheriff - 633-4700
- Wyoming HighwayPatrol - 777-4301
- Cheyenne Transit Program (CTP) - 637-6253
Or Visit www.cheyennecity.org, www.wyoroad.info
SOURCE: City of Cheyenne website

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