The City of Cheyenne has issued a reminder to all residents to please complete the census if you have not already done so.

In a Friday news release, city officials cited a 2015 study by George Washington University that found federal funding allocated to Wyoming amounted to about $881 million annually or about $1,504 for every person counted in the last census.

The release also urges those have not completed the census to help Cheyenne and Laramie County stay ahead of Casper and Natrona County in response rates:

''Laramie County is at a 67.1 percent response rate, leading Wyoming. The City of Cheyenne presently sits at a 70.2 percent response rate. Natrona County and the City of Casper are inching towards Laramie County and their Complete Count Committee has vowed to surpass Cheyenne. Let’s continue to raise our response rate to keep Cheyenne and Laramie County in the lead.''

You can complete the census online, by returning forms you may have received in the mail, or by phone at 1-844-330-2020.

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