Sheriff Candidate Brian Kozak on Weekend in Wyoming
Laramie County Sheriff Candidate Brian Kozak will headline Saturday's lineup on the ''Weekend in Wyoming" Talk show on AM 650, KGAB.
Kozak is also the former Police Chief of Chyenne, serving in that capacity for over a decade. We'll discuss why he is running for sheriff, what he sees as the main issues in the campaign and why he feels he is the best candidate for the job. We'll take questions and comments for Brian Kozak at 632-6500 and 632-3323.
He's scheduled to join us from 11;05 to 11:30 a.m.
The rest of Saturday's show will take on a holiday theme. Tammy Ware of the Centsible Nutrition Program will discuss healthy eating on a budget as well as some of the challenges of good nutrition during the holiday season.
She'll also discuss some of the resources available for people who are facing challenges feeding their families. She'll join us at 11:33 a.m. Mike Heath of the Master Gardener program will be on at 12:05 a.m. to talk about the history of your favorite holiday plants.
University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension agent for Laramie County Catherine Wissner will join us at 12:33 to talk about the merits of artificial Christmas trees versus the real thing. It all happens today on AM 650, KGAB from 11 am until 1 p.m. Be sure and join us!
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