Lawmakers said initially said no to a Senate bill that called for a special session to deal with the fallout from the Wyoming Supreme Court decision in the Cindy Hill case. The bill originally died in the Senate on a 18-12 introduction vote.  Then the bill was brought up for reconsideration Thursday afternoon and it passed on a 21-9 vote. The house killed a bill that would have changed state law to allow same-sex marriages in the state. The House advanced a bill that would allow teachers and other school workers who hold concealed weapons permits to carry guns at schools.

Both chambers have introduced bills that push back against what lawmakers call are burdensome regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency. House Majority Whip Representative Tim Stubson says the bills are needed.

The budget bill was reported out of the Joint Appropriations Committee this week and the Co-Chairs say they believe it strikes the right balance between current, short and long term needs. Lawmakers in both houses will begin working the bill next week.

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