Safe Kids Day Saturday
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, the Cheyenne Family YMCA and several other health and safety groups are presenting Safe Kids Day Saturday, May 2 at the Cheyenne Family YMCA.
Victoria Ingerle, Safe Kids Day Coordinator says over 25 exhibits will be at the free event. She says exhibits will cover topics ranging from fire safety to health insurance for kids to the Cheyenne Greenway Program.
A Safe Kids car seat check up will be offered as well. Ingerle says that's important because about 80 percent of child safety seats in Wyoming aren't properly installed.
Other attractions include a fire engine provided by Cheyenne Fire and Rescue and an ambulance provided by American Medical Response will be available for kids to check out.
The K9 unit from the Cheyenne Police Department will put on a demonstration at 1 p.m. The event is scheduled for 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., except for the car seat check up which is scheduled to end at 1 p.m.