National Weather Service in Cheyenne Warns of High Fire Danger
Warm, dry and windy conditions will bring near critical fire weather to the lower elevations of southeast Wyoming Monday afternoon.
The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued the following statement:
Hazardous Weather Outlook National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 413 AM MDT Mon Sep 23 2019 NEZ002-003-019>021-054-055-095-096-WYZ101>119-241015- Dawes-Box Butte-Scotts Bluff-Banner-Morrill-Kimball-Cheyenne- North Sioux-South Sioux-Converse County Lower Elevations- Niobrara County-North Laramie Range- Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains-Shirley Basin- Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- East Platte County-Goshen County-Central Carbon County- North Snowy Range Foothills-Southwest Carbon County- Sierra Madre Range-Upper North Platte River Basin-Snowy Range- Laramie Valley-South Laramie Range-South Laramie Range Foothills- Central Laramie County-East Laramie County- 413 AM MDT Mon Sep 23 2019 This hazardous weather outlook is for portions of western Nebraska...east central Wyoming...south central Wyoming and southeast Wyoming. .DAY ONE...TODAY AND TONIGHT Near-critical fire weather will occur this afternoon from 12pm through 8pm across the High Plains and High Terrain of Wyoming. Relative humidity values will fall to 10 to 15 percent with wind gusts upwards of 20 to 25 mph at times. If a fire were to occur, fire spread could be aided by these dry and windy conditions. Fire weather concerns will reduce into the evening as temperatures cool. .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...TUESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY Near-critical fire weather conditions will occur once again Tuesday afternoon as wind gusts increase of 25-30 mph with humidity near 20 percent. Fire growth could be aided in these conditions, if one was to occur. .Spotter information statement... Spotter activation will not be needed.
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