Laramie County Republicans Urge ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law
The Laramie County Republican Party has passed a resolution urging state lawmakers to pass a ''stand your ground'' law.
Laramie County Republican Party Chair Darin Smith says the law would allow people to defend themselves in public from an attack using deadly force rather than being obligated to retreat first. Wyoming law, under the ''castle doctrine" already allows people to defend themselves in their home using deadly force against an intruder. That law was passed by the legislature in 2008.
But Smith says the proposed law would give people extend the same right to a public setting, which he says they currently don't have. Smith says the proposal is ''not a vigilante bill" but is instead a personal freedom issue. ''There have been several instances in this state where people have been prosecuted for defending themselves, and that just shouldn't be the case," Smith said.
Smith said on Wednesday morning. Smith says he understands a ''stand your ground'' will be introduced in the upcoming legislative session, and he predicted it will pass.
The resolution passed by the Laramie County Republican Party Central Committee is shown below:
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