On May 4, Laramie Fire Station 1 will shimmer with red lights to honor the lives of fallen firefighters. The station's annual illumination is part of a national movement called 'Light the Night.'

What is 'Light the Night?'

Light the Night is a program founded by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Its mission is to honor America's fallen fire heroes while supporting their families, colleagues, and organizations. The program also works to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries. Light the Night is one way of raising awareness and support for fallen fire heroes nationwide.

What Does Light the Night Mean to Laramie Fire Fighters?

“Unfortunately, we have lost someone in the line of duty within our own Laramie Fire Department. I’m grateful for this national level of recognition for firefighters and the dangerous, yet impactful, job we show up for every day,” says Lam. “Firefighters do lose their lives conducting their employment, and Light the Night makes me feel proud for our crew while raising awareness for the risk we take in this job, and for those who have lost their lives doing so." said LFD Operations Division Chief Kevin Lam, in a City of Laramie Press Release.

National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, MD Credit: Natioanl Fallen Firefighters Foundation
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, MD.
Credit: National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Laramie's fire department will glow from May 1 to May 5 as part of the movement. Across the country, landmarks, fire departments, and memorials will cast their light in the night to honor fallen heroes.

How Can Laramie Residents Participate in Light the Night?

“During Light the Night, we would love for the community to understand why we shine red, and to join in honoring those who have lost their lives keeping our communities safe. If residents would like to light up their own homes in red for the night, that would show a sign of respect and remembrance for fallen firefighters around the country and at home here in Laramie,” said LFD Operations Division Chief Kevin Lam.

Residents wishing to experience the national ceremony honoring fallen firefighters can tune in online on May 4 at 5:30 PM for the National Fallen Firefighters Candlelight Service or at 10:00 AM on Sunday, May 5, for the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. Get more details on streaming the events here.

Laramie residents can get involved by lighting their own homes or businesses with red bulbs. They can also share the movement on social media using the hashtag #NFFFLightTheNight2024.

You can learn more about Light the Night by visiting the movement's website here.

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