I've been blown away by the pictures and videos that outdoor photographers have captured and shared with the world. It's great to see their creativity and eye for great camera shots.

Sometimes, there are some that I've come across that are top-notch.

Andy Austin is one of those photographers who has shared some of his work with the world. Scrolling through Andy's Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook will amaze you, and I highly recommend it. One of the posts I found will stop you in your tracks, just like it did me.

If you've been to Yellowstone National Park, you've likely sat on one of the wooden benches surrounding Old Faithful, the park's most famous geyser.

You've probably sat waiting for the show to begin, not thinking about the angle from which you'll take pictures or the end result.

Andy took the experience to the next level. He didn't just sit on one of those benches and wait for it to happen; he set up his camera and waited for the sun to set, then captured this incredible video of Old Faithful. Not only did he capture the eruption, but he also caught it under the Milky Way.


@andyaustinphoto Add seeing Yellowstone's Old Faithful after dark to your bucket list. Words can't describe the feeling of feeling the earth shake, hearing the roar, and experiencing this without the thousands of tourists during the daytime. #yellowstone#nightphotography#timelapse#milkyway#oldfaithful#astrophotography#yellowstonenps#wyoming♬ Outro - M83
A huge thanks to Andy and all the other photographers who capture nature's beauty and allow us to see their work. 

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