Governor Mead Vetoes ‘Critical Infrastructure’ Bill
Governor Matt Mead on Wednesday evening vetoed a ''crimes against critical infrastructure" bill that critics claim would hamper free speech in Wyoming.
In his veto message on Senate File 74, the governor said the bill addresses an important issue but 'is flawed."
He said among other things the bill, as written, includes not only critical infrastructure but "ordinary facilities" as being protected. He specifically cited the fact that the bill includes any fenced dam in the state that supplies irrigation water or any fenced storage facility as being ''problematic." He also says he is concerned that the bill would create new crimes for activities that are already covered by other laws.
The governor also vetoed several line items in the state budget and a line item on Senate File 116, which would create a task force on state employee retirement plans.
Both the Wyoming Senate and House are scheduled to meet on Thursday afternoon, at which time they could choose to try to override any of the vetoes issued on Wednesday evening.
It would take a 2/3 majority vote in both houses to override a veto.