Finance Committee Doesn’t Support Condemnation Action
The Cheyenne City Council Finance Committee on Monday refused to endorse an eminent domain court action to obtain part of the former Hollywood Video parking lot for the Pershing/Converse/19th street Roundabout project. The city has for several months been trying to acquire part of the property for the project. City officials say there is no reason for the city to purchase the entire property because only a portion is needed for the roundabout. The property owners say they want to sell either all of the property or none of it, and say selling only part of it would render the remaining portion almost worthless. The proposal went before the committee Monday, but when it was introduced none of the voting committee members--councilmen Don Pierson, Jack Spiker or Jimmy Valdez--supported the proposal and it therefor failed to win approval.
Even with the lack of finance committee support, however, the issue still moves on to the full city council. Mayor Rick Kaysen said afterwards the action is needed for the project to move forward and he is still hoping the full council will support the action. City officials say they are still negotiating with the property owner and hope a court fight can still be avoided.