F.E. Warren Hosts Ft. D.A. Russell Days, During Cheyenne Frontier Days 2013
Cheyenne and F. E. Warren Air Force Base have literally grown up together. In1867, the U.S. Cavalry established Fort D. A. Russell at a military post the same year Cheyenne was founded.
When Cheyenne Frontier Days was born in September 1897, it was Battery A of the 76th Field Artillery who fired the cannon announcing the beginning of this would–be historic western celebration.
The F. E. Warren Air Force Base open house called Fort D.A. Russell Days/ MUSKETS TO MISSILES includes Historic home tours, military reenactments and tours of Minuteman III and Peacekeeper missile systems are on tap for those who dare to look back in history or forward to the future. Ft. D.A. Russell Days runs July 19th-July 21st. For a full schedule of events click here.
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