Dead Anyone?


At 8:07AM MDT Dr. Margaret Cochran will be back with us on The Morning Zone and will give us food for thought on death, dying and what happens then?

Ever think about what happens when you die? This topic doesn’t usually come up in casual conversation except maybe when grandma sheds her mortal coil or when we get a scary diagnosis (go exercise, green leafy vegetables and Omega-3 fatty acids, go!). Or, when the world is at war, there has been an earthquake and a tsunami that have caused the death of thousands, not to mention a nuclear disaster that no one yet has a remedy for. In times like these even a good sense of humor isn’t enough to get us through. Yes-siree Bob, our current circumstances have created the sort of situation that gives one pause for thought.

Dr. Margaret Cochran has been an educator and professional therapist for more than 28 years. Her dynamic and engaging approach has made her a sought after speaker in the areas of personal relationships, business dynamics, personal growth and parenting.

First, Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy, Chuck Collins guests at 7:07AM to look deeper into all this talk about budget balancing and bone breaking cuts as he  looks at Unnecessary Austerity, Unnecessary Shut Down

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