DDA: Do You Feel Safe in Downtown Cheyenne?
The Cheyenne Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and Cheyenne Police Department are again asking local residents whether they feel safe in downtown Cheyenne.
The two agencies conducted a similar survey early this year, which found that while 81 percent of those responding felt either somewhat safe or very safe in downtown Cheyenne, there were some concerns, with 37 percent of respondents saying they didn't see many police officers in downtown Cheyenne.
But since that survey was taken, the Police Department and several other agencies, including Peak Wellness, the Comea Shelter, the DDA, and the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, have launched "Operation Change."
The program, which was launched on April 1, includes increased police foot patrols in the downtown area and a general effort to increase police visibility.
But it also includes representatives from Peak Wellness, the Comea Shelter, and similar organizations who work with the police and the courts to try to help homeless people get access to programs designed to help them.
Police spokesman Officer Kevin Malatesta says the purpose of the follow-up survey is to see how well Operation Change is working and whether any changes need to be made in the program.
The eight-question survey asks respondents about downtown safety, the visibility of the police, what training programs might be helpful to downtown visitors and businesses and similar issues.
You can answer the DDA survey here.