Officials with the City of Cheyenne Department of Urban Forestry say now is the best time to spray for Mountain Pine Beetles as well as Spruce Beetles and other tree-killing bugs.

Randy Overstreet, Assistant Director of Cheyenne Urban Forestry, says the different beetles that attack trees in this area tend to emerge at different times. He says by spraying now residents can get out in front of the infestation and protect trees against the first wave of the insects, which would not happen if they wait until later to begin spraying.

Overstreet says he recommends hiring a company licensed by the state to apply pesticides, because they have the proper equipment and knowledge to do the job correctly and safely. Overstreet the process involves spraying the trunk of the tree from the top to the ground. He says just enough spray should be applied so small amounts start to run off the tree. He adds you "don't want the spray running off in large amounts at all.".

Overstreet says city crews are currently spraying trees for beetles in city parks, and advises people in those areas to give the crews plenty of room to work and to avoid the insecticide.

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