Cheyenne Police Seeking Applicants for Citizens Police Academy
Registration is now open for the Cheyenne Police Department’s Citizens Police Academy.
The ten-week academy, which is free and open to the public, begins April 18 and runs through June 20.
"A lot of times people have misconceptions about what we do," said Officer Dan Long. "This is a great opportunity to come in and see how law enforcement actually operates."
Long says the academy will also feature “hands-on” training sessions.
"You kind of see how we do a lot of the things we do, like our traffic enforcement and building searches," said Long. "We actually get to go out to the range, shoot some weapons and of course the EOD team comes out there and we get to blow some things up."
Applicants must be at least 18 years old, agree to a background check, have a valid driver's license and sign a liability waiver. Citizens can apply online by clicking here.
Space is limited to 30 valid applicants. For more information contact Officer Kevin Malatesta at (307) 633-6653 or kmalatesta@cheyennepd.org.
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