Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media
Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media

The Cheyenne Police Department  Annual Report for 2022 shows a decrease in many crime categories in the city last year compared to the year before.

It may be worth noting, however, that 2021 saw an increase in many crime categories compared to previous years.

While there were increases in some crime categories last year, property crimes and crimes against people were both down. The city also recorded marked decreases in injuries from traffic accidents and drug overdose deaths.

Police also handled more calls for service last year compared to the year before. The report was released on Thursday morning.

You can see the report here.

Among the key findings:

-property crimes were down last year compared to 2021 by a margin of 3,772 to 3,581,

-crimes against people were down last year as well, with 1186 such crimes reported last year compared to 1269 in 2021.

-crimes against society were up in 2022, with 614 such crimes reported last year compared to 559 the year before.

-NBRS Group B offenses were also up last year, with 2419 reported last year compared to only 2055 the year before. Most Group A offenses were down in Cheyenne last year, with the exception of shoplifting, which showed a marked increase.

-Cheyenne Police recorded their highest number of calls for service last year since 2018. They received 79,902 last year compared to 70,330 in 2021.

-injuries from traffic crashes in Cheyenne were down by 20 percent last year, with the number of crash incidents and reportable crashes also down.

-drug overdose deaths decreased from 20 in 2021 to 13 last year, a decrease of 24 percent.

Meet the Four-Legged Heroes of the Cheyenne Police Department

They may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but make no bones about it, police dogs play a vital role in the fight against crime.

In many situations, they're the first ones to put their lives on the line to protect their human partners, proving that not all heroes wear capes, some wear fur coats.



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