Cheyenne Police Allowed To Wear Cowboy Hats During CFD
The Cheyenne Police Department is making an exception to its usual rules for officers by allowing them to wear cowboy hats during Cheyenne Frontier Days.
While some Wyoming law enforcement agencies have allowed cowboy hats as part of their regular uniform, that isn't the case with the CPD. But they are making an exception during the "Daddy of 'em All."
That's according to a post on the agency's Facebook page, which includes the following:
''While cowboy hats aren’t a standard part of the uniform, we'll certainly make an exception during Cheyenne Frontier Days!
Our new policy gives officers the option of wearing cowboy hats while on duty this week. When paired with hi-vis, we will be pretty hard to miss - so come say howdy!''
In 2015 the Sublette County Sheriff's Office made national news when new sheriff Stephen Haskell banned the wearing of cowboy hats by his deputies. Police Magazine reported that the change in department dress codes lead one long-time deputy to resign after 40 years with the agency.
Meet the Four-Legged Heroes of the Cheyenne Police Department
They may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but make no bones about it, police dogs play a vital role in the fight against crime.
In many situations, they're the first ones to put their lives on the line to protect their human partners, proving that not all heroes wear capes, some wear fur coats.
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