Cheyenne Animal Shelter Defends Decision To Euthanize Dog
The Cheyenne Animal Shelter has posted an article on it's Facebook page defending a decision to euthanize a dog that the shelter says killed six goats.
The shelter claims the dog, Ayseeme, had to be euthanized under state law because it had killed six goats. CAS officials claim the dog had been dropped off by a local resident while the dog's owner was out of town. The Facebook post claims the dog's owner said she would try to get someone to pick up the dog, but when that didn't happen the animal became Animal shelter property and was put up for adoption on Oct. 25. Ayseeme was adopted by a new family on November 8 but on November 16 the new owner tried to return the dog, claiming it had killed six goats and injured six more, according to the post.
The CAS post says when the new owner learned state law would require the dog to be killed because it had killed livestock, he took the dog home and tried to adopt it out. However, when those efforts failed, he returned the dog on November 20. The post says under state law they had no choice but to euthanize the dog, which happened on November 20.
But the CAS account is being strongly disputed in other social media posts.
A woman who says she is a friend of Ayseeme's says the CAS account of events is untrue. Amanda Ellis's post says, for one thing, the shelter adopted the dog out after being told the owner planned to return to get her pet. The post also says there was nothing in the CAS paperwork on the dog showing any livestock had been killed. When the dog's owner learned Ayseeme was back at the shelter, she tried to get her dog back but was told she couldn't have it because it had killed some goats, according to the post.
She says an Animal Control Officer (ACO) kicked the dog's owner out of the shelter when she demanded to know more about the situation. She claims the dog was then euthanized without her owner having a fair chance to save her.
The post also claims there was no proof that Ayseeme ever killed any goats and that the ACO asked the dog's owner not to talk about what had happened until he could get more information. Ellis. meanwhile, has launched an online petition drive to change the state law on dogs which kill livestock.