Did you ever wonder why Laramie County School District #1 didn't call for an early closing time BEFORE 2:20PM when driving conditions and visibility around Cheyenne rapidly deteriorated starting about 11:30?

I found myself to be one of the many parents stuck in literal traffic jams trying to pick up my junior High daughter and elementary school niece. I observed a number of near accidents and total disorder, especially approaching McCormick Junior High where traffic was backed up clear from Hynds Blvd. and Western Hills Blvd. It's truly a miracle that some child wasn't hit by a car in the mad dash and the poor visibility.

Clearly, Assistant Superintendent Dave Bartlett and Dr. Mark Stock, Superintendent fell asleep at their desks on this one. Was it really so necessary to put our children and their parents at such risk in the interest of having one more full day of school? Discretion is often the better part of valor, but in this case, Both Dave Bartlett and Mark Stock get the Razzie award of the day for this one.

By the way, it's my understanding that no decision will be made about Wednesday school until somewhere around 4ish tomorrow morning, so obviously to err on the side of caution is still not the order of the day at Laramie County School District #1 so wait for the robo call in the morning kids and, oh yes, parents and bus drivers that have to drive in this mess to make sure we don't have a snow day.


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