15 Inches Of Snow, 55 MPH Winds Possible In SE Wyoming Mountains
The Cheyenne Office of the National Weather Service has posted high wind and winter storm watches for parts of southeast Wyoming.
The agency posted this statement on its Facebook page early Tuesday morning:
A change in the weather begins tonight as a low-pressure system approaches the area from the west. Winds are expected to increase this evening for the wind prone areas of southeast Wyoming. High Wind Watches are in effect for Arlington on Interstate 80, the I-80 Summit between Cheyenne and Laramie, as well as Interstate 25 from the Colorado state line to Bordeaux. Winds expected to become strong after 11 PM tonight and continue through 2 PM Wednesday, creating increased risks for blowoff/blowover of light weight and high profile vehicles. Winter Storm Watches have been posted for the Snowy and Sierra Madre Ranges from late tonight through Thursday morning. A combination of 12 to 15 inches of snow combined with wind gusts to 55 mph, will combine to create very hazardous conditions in these two mountain ranges. Hikers, snow mobilers and outdoor recreationists stand the chance of being disoriented and lost in these conditions. Stay tuned to later updates from the National Weather Service on this developing winter weather/strong wind event. Be safe out there!

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