WYDOT Reopens Teton Pass Early, All Roads Into Jackson Now Open
After days of severe weather in western Wyoming, WYDOT crews were able to reopen Teton Pass at 2 p.m. Saturday.
All roads into the Jackson area are now open to traffic, according to a WYDOT news release.
Teton Pass opened several hours earlier than expected thanks to the Jackson maintenance crews, as well as WYDOT employees and gear from around the state, which were able to quickly clear the pass of avalanche debris and snow accumulation.
"We have some of the best guys around," said WYDOT Maintenance Foreman Bruce Daigle. "They have been working their tails off to get this pass open, and they did."
Avalanche activity -- a result of warmer temperatures and increased precipitation -- also forced the closure of the Snake River and Hoback canyons earlier this week.
But now that the rain is over and temperatures have fallen, conditions have improved and crews are able to make more progress clearing roads.
Avalanche danger remains high. The WYDOT avalanche team continues to monitor mountain slopes next to roadways for avalanche activity.
"We will be regrouping, repairing equipment and preparing our teams for what could be a long season," Daigle added.
WYDOT reminds drivers to be extremely careful. Water and ice that may be on Wyoming roads could lead to snow-packed roadways, as well as slick and icy conditions.
Drivers may also find snow on the roads from snow walls, which are formed when crews plow Wyoming roads.
Snow walls in the Jackson area can be over five feet high. Maintenance crews will be out on the roads continuing cleanup.
For more information on closures and weather conditions, visit wyoroad.info.
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