Today, our Morning Zone guest list includes our Watchdog on Wall Street, a well respected CIA Analyst, The “The Choices and Consequences of Our Age: The Disintegrating Economic, Political, and Societal Institutions of the United States.” and our lone representative in Congress.

7:07AM MST Watchdog on Wall Street, Chris Markowski, begins his 10th year as a regular on The Morning Zone. We will talk more with Chris about where he see Congress headed in this new year to overcome the remaining issues with the "Fiscal Cliff".

7:37AM MST: Dean GualcoWhat Would Our Forefathers Think?  Our country was founded on hard work and sacrifice--a nation once seen as the beacon of hope, graciousness, and civility. Today, says Dean Gualco, we’re a society not of independent frontiersmen, but dependent citizens quick to blame the government for our predicament. What would our forefathers think of the U.S. now? Dean says
they would probably be ashamed if they saw the state of our political affairs, the insecurity and instability of our people, and how the country betrayed its promise
of a better life and a better world. A college professor for 20 years, Dean Gualco owns a consulting business and also has worked in the public sector. He’s
the author of five books, including “The Choices and Consequences of Our Age: The Disintegrating Economic, Political, and Societal Institutions of the United

8:07AM MST: McGovern is a veteran CIA analyst. He has scrutinized Brennan's backing of torture and drone killings. See his interview "Obama's and Brennan's 'Kill List'" and his letter on Brennan, in which he notes: "Nov. 24, 2008 saw the publication of a letter to President-Elect Obama, signed by 200 psychologists, urging him not to select John Brennan to head the CIA because of his open support of 'dark-side' policies (Brennan’s, as well as Dick Cheney’s, adjective). Brennan withdrew his name the next day, and The New York Times explained the move as a reaction to 'concerns he was intimately linked to controversial CIA programs authorized by President Bush.'

    "Brennan is now the administration’s strongest advocate of extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens by drones. As for civilian deaths from CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, Brennan made the preposterous claim [in June 2011] that, over the previous year, 'there hasn’t been a single collateral death' from CIA drone strikes there." McGovern is scheduled to speak at a protest at 1:00 p.m. outside the White House, as Obama is scheduled to make the nomination.  McGovern also recently wrote "Obama Needs Hagel in the Pentagon." McGovern works with Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. During his career as a CIA analyst, he prepared and briefed the President’s Daily Brief and chaired National Intelligence Estimates.

9:07AM MST: Our lone representative in Congress, Cynthia Lummis is back with us today in The Morning Zone to update us on what is really happening now in Washington, concerning a permanent fix to falling off the Fiscal Cliff.


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