Use of N-Word, Other Negative Acts at LCSD1 Prompt Call to Action
An increase in negative behavior this school year has prompted Laramie County School District 1 to initiate a call to action.
Superintendent Dr. Margaret Crespo says the most recent incidents involve TikTok challenges and social media posts that promote physical violence, derogatory language, and discrimination toward minorities by the use of the N-word.
"We must all come together to find a resolve when faced with behavioral challenges and continue in sharing responsibility to protect all students and staff in the district," Crespo said in a letter sent out to the LCSD1 community Wednesday.

Crespo says the district is committed to helping the victims of these senseless negative acts and will show a renewed commitment to protecting its students.
"Physical aggression and the marginalization of others through actions and words will not be tolerated in our schools," she said.
You can read Crespo's letter below:
Dear LCSD #1 Community,
We are initiating a call to action. Throughout this school year, district administrators and staff have seen an increase in negative behaviors that impact a safe, responsible, and respectful environment. These have ranged from physical fighting to the use of derogatory language. The most recent incidents that negatively impact the learning environment are Tik Tok Challenges and other social media posts that promote physical violence, derogatory language, and discrimination toward minorities by use of the N-word. One example of a current Tik Tok challenge we have encountered is that students are soliciting N-cards, which grant them permission to use the N-word. Physical aggression and the marginalization of others through actions and words will not be tolerated in our schools.
District employees will not comment on inappropriate behavior posted on social media sites. The only goal of these social media posts is to generate attention. We will seek to protect the victims of these by reporting these posts to the social media authorities, school authorities, or local law enforcement. If we identify the perpetrators, we will take swift action. There will be consequences for students who videotape, post, or view these without reporting an altercation in progress, per our district policies.
As a district that implements programs to help students navigate a variety of behaviors they may encounter, we realize the importance of a community effort. The 5 most important letters in the word community are U-N-I-T-Y. We must all come together to find a resolve when faced with behavioral challenges and continue in sharing responsibility to protect all students and staff in the district.
We need help and support to protect our students both in and out of our schools. Therefore, we are reaching out to the community at large to help us communicate:
- If you see something, please say something, by telling an intake authority such as your child’s principal, teacher, or counselor.
- Submit a Safe 2 Tell message at 1-844-WYO-SAFE or www.safe2tellwy.org
- Tell your parent or guardian and have them contact school authorities.
We are also committed to helping the victims of these senseless negative acts. The impact has an adverse impact on students as well as the school community at large. We will have counselors and trusted adults prepared to help your child if they need support. Please request through your child’s principal that they may need time to process through events with a trained professional in our schools. Discuss options for community circles, restorative practices, or other interventions at your child’s school to help them recover.
Our district will show a renewed commitment to protect our students. Every school in LCSD #1 will:
- Communicate to all parents or guardians within 24 hours of a report regarding their child if they fall victim to one of these malicious acts.
- Act swiftly to investigate and follow through with consequences as established in our district policies involving student discipline.
- Re-Engage student leadership to improve every school environment.
- Enact their own dynamic Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports through the district’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in order to maintain a safe, responsible and respectful environment.
The district administration will utilize our MTSS administrator and an interim Access and Opportunity Facilitator to coordinate efforts with principals in each building. This call to action is extremely important for the academic, physical, social, and emotional well-being of our students, staff, and community. Please share in this responsibility to help our students and staff successfully establish and maintain a safe and caring environment throughout our community and the schools in our district. Additional resources can be found at Common Sense Media.
Dr. Margaret Crespo, Superintendent, LCSD #1
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