Runoff Predictions Prompt Wyoming Flood Preparations
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Fremont County residents and disaster response officials are making preparations for spring flooding.
Predictions are that the county could see its biggest runoff from the mountain snowpack in decades.
National Weather Service hydrologists say the Wind and Little Wind river watersheds in Fremont County have a high potential for flooding.
Lander emergency management coordinator Nick Hudson says this year's runoff could rival 1963 when flooding caused severe damage in Lander and the town is working to prepare for the high water.
County Emergency Management Coordinator Kathi Metzler says residents along rivers are already placing sandbags to protect homes and property.
Elsewhere in Wyoming, the Upper Green River Basin is also predicted to have a high potential for flooding, while several other western river basins can expect moderate to high flooding.
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