Rep. Liz Cheney: Democrats Haven’t Made Case For Impeachment
Wyoming congresswoman Liz Cheney said Tuesday evening that House Democrats have not made their case for impeaching President Trump, despite stacking the deck in their favor.
The Republican lawmaker says during impeachment hearings in the U.S. House ''Democrats were able to act as judge and prosecutor. They were able to select every single witness," but still have failed to make a strong case for removing the president from office.
She also accused Democrats of ''hijacking" the House Intelligence Committee and keeping ti from dealing with important issues, including threats from Russia, China, and North Korea, The Presidents Democratic accusers say he improperly tied aid to Ukraine to that country launching investigations into alleged improprieties involving former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. They also accuse him of inviting foreign interference in the 2020 election.
The president's defenders say the allegations against Trump are politically motivated and are really just an attempt by Democrats to overturn the 2016 presidential election.
The Democratic-controlled House will vote on whether to impeach the president. If the House votes in favor of impeachment, a trial would then be held in the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate. A 2/3 majority would be needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office. Two American presidents, Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson, have been impeached bu the House but neither was removed from office by the Senate.
Richard Nixon resigned from office in 1974 before a House vote on an impeachment resolution could be held.
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