Numerous Highway Closures Reported In Northern Wyoming
The Wyoming Department of Transportation is reported a number of road closures in northern Wyoming at this hour (9:30 a.m. on 12/31).
The agency posted the following statement on its website:
"Lots of road closures central and northern Wyoming this morning. I-25 Casper to Buffalo; U.S. 29/26 Casper to Waltman; WYO 59 Douglas north; WYO 387 Midwest to Wright; I-90 Buffalo to Gillette; U.S. 14/16 Buffalo to Gillette; WYO 50 Pine Tree Jct. to Gillette; U.S. 287/789 Jeffrey City to WYO 28 Jct.; Wind River Canyon; WYO 120 Thermopolis north. Most other roads no unnecessary travel. Check wyoroad.info before heading out for the latest closure and road information."
You can access the latest WYDOT road and travel information here.
The Cheyenne office of the National Weather Service says wind chills in some areas of the state could reach -25 this evening with some snowfall also expected in many areas.
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