LCSD1 Announces Remote Learning Contingency Plans
Laramie County School District 1 is working on a plan that will enable students to continue learning in the event schools stay closed beyond Spring Break.
The district sent out the following update Monday afternoon:
If the COVID-19 closure lasts beyond April 3, Laramie County School District 1 administrators and teachers are preparing a plan that will enable students to continue with their learning.
“While this remote learning plan could proceed through the end of the year, we will consider it a bonus if we can get our students back in schools sooner,” said LCSD1 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Boyd Brown. “Know that the district’s administration, teachers and staff members miss having contact with our students.”
This week, teachers will be reaching out to families using the Remind App. Students will be invited to refresh their learning beginning with lessons they were working on before the closure.
Pre-kindergarten through sixth-grade students will focus on English/language arts and math. Teachers will embed other disciplines when possible.
Teachers will streamline prioritized standards for students in seventh through 12th grade. Electives will be taught in a creative manner due to the nature of the remote learning environment.
If the closure is still in effect, students will begin remote learning the week of April 6. At that time, teachers will begin teaching new material.
So that all students have access, remote learning will be comprised of a variety of communication methods. This will include not only learning packets and/or online instruction but may also incorporate phone calls, videos, mailings, etc.
Paper-copy packets will be provided for families without access to technology. District officials are working with administrators at the district’s Transportation Department to develop a method of delivering and receiving the work back from students and parents.
Beginning April 6, students will be engaged in lessons for each scheduled class. All lessons will include a learning target, instructional component, student practice and a demonstration of learning. Resource teachers and case managers will ensure IEP students receive all assigned work and will work with parents for accommodations.
“Without a doubt, this is a very challenging experience for all,” Brown said. “Our district team continues to work incredibly hard to provide resources and support for students, staff and families through this very complex and dynamic time. Let’s all take a deep breath, wash our hands, keep our social distance and stay safe and healthy.
“We thank community members for their patience during these unprecedented times. Together, we can work to keep our community safe while allowing our students to progress academically. We are going to get through this together.”
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