Turning off Interstate 25 at Orin Junction in Wyoming and heading east on old Highway 18 is a step back in time. You enter Old Wyoming, where small towns and railroads dotted the landscape and rutted dirt roads were the only travel option.

Past what is left of Shawnee on the right and Lost Springs on the left, you'll look for the old school house at Keeline.

From there, watch down below and you see an old farmhouse tilted from years of holding strong against the Wyoming wind.

It used to have a chimney that ran right up the center of its roof. Some of the bricks remain.

An old windmill stands tall next to the house.

Just behind the old house, a corral showed some of the work that was done here way back when.

Old Wyo Farmhouse & Laramie Peak, Photo By Tim Mandese
Old Wyo Farmhouse & Laramie Peak, Photo By Tim Mandese

In the background, towering majestically, is Laramie Peak and the entire Laramie mountain range.

Now imagine coming back the other way from Lusk past Manville.

From there the farmhouse and turbine can be seen from high above, perfectly framed by the mountains in the distance. The peak of the biggest mountain still makes the old leaning farmhouse look small, despite how far away that big mountain is.

Old Wyo Farmhouse & Laramie Peak, Photo By Tim Mandese
Old Wyo Farmhouse & Laramie Peak, Photo By Tim Mandese

Highway 18 is paved.

The railroad tracks are still used, though some sections are showing their age.

The essential little towns that dot the way aren't necessary, as they once were, so trains and travelers rush on by in modern machines.

We capture the past in photos to not forget how we got to where we are today.

Along this game route was a line of box cars with some very interesting graffiti.

Outstanding Graffiti Train Passes Through Wyoming

We all see the graffiti on trains that pass through Wyoming.

But have you ever paused just a moment to look at it?

A lot is garbage.

But some of this still can be considered art.

Even great art.

Other times it's just an interesting message.

Grifiti art exhibit on wheels passing through America pauses in Wyoming

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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