It's not a new for travelers from other places to crack jokes on Wyoming, but at least this guy did it with some style.

A gentleman by the name Nelson Holland, who's TikTok username is hilariously, fatblackandgettinit, popped up on my feed with video he did while traveling to Casper. The 17-second video is actually kind of funny.

@fatblackandgettinit 😅😅😅 the stares were on 💯 #blackhiker #blackinnature #casperwyoming #wyomingtok #wyoming #Biden #Trump #blacktravelersoftiktok ♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys - Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey

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After doing some research, I found out Nelson is actually from Colorado. Normally I wouldn't "allow" a greeny to crack jokes on us, but since I did find it humorous, I'll give him a pass.... this time.

Plus he also appears to be quite the outdoorsman. He's posted several videos of himself hiking in and around some pretty cool places in Colorado, and interacting with wildlife, while also (usually), keeping a safe distance.

As an African American man myself, that was actually born right here in Casper, I do find these types of videos funny. Considering I wasn't raised in Wyoming (I moved away when I was almost 6 years old), often I would tell people I was originally from here and invariably someone (and it didn't matter what race or gender they were), would say something along the lines of: "are there really Black people in Wyoming?".

While most were joking, some folks were dead serious. Depending on how I was feeling when the question was asked, I'd sometimes reply with: "no... at least not since I left".

Hey, stupid questions deserve stupid answers.

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