It will soon be time for the states to rise up in open rebellion if we have any hope of saving the United States from socialism.

UPDATE: We asked the candidate if he is indeed advocating rebellion against the government. This is his response...

"Depends on your definition of Open Rebellion.  Rebellion can come in many forms.  The multiple law suits that have been filed are a form of rebellion.  However, I think the level of rebellion will escalate much higher.  How high?  I do not know."


Is a candidate for the US House of Representatives from Wyoming advocating rebellion against the United States government?

That would seem to be the meaning of a press release Tuesday afternoon from congressional candidate Rex Rammell’s campaign.

The press release began with the predictable dismay at the FBI decision to forego any prosecution of Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton over her handling of emails while Secretary of State.

But the conclusion he draws is what is raising eyebrows. Here is the press release…

Rammell Media Release

The FBI's recommendation to not prosecute Hilary Clinton over her "extremely careless" handling of classified emails is no surprise.  The only thing at this point that would be a surprise is if she does not become the next president of the United States.  In fact, it is very possible that America will never see another Republican president.  There are too many takers in America and not enough makers.  Therefore, anyone who promises "more" government handouts will win the presidential elections. 

It will soon be time for the states to rise up in open rebellion if we have any hope of saving the United States from socialism. 



Notice Rammell doesn’t say, it “might” be time or “could” be time, but it “will soon” be time for such an action.


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